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Royal Decree 208/2005 on Electrical and Electronic Equipment and its waste was adopted on 25 February 2005. The final decree contains some addition clauses to the previous draft, which cover provisions for a register of producers and for financing historical waste (i.e. products placed on the market before 13 August 2005.Local authorities will be responsible for collecting WEEE from households and storing it until it is collected for sorting and treatment by producers or their collective organisation.Unlike some member states whose legislative timetable has fallen behind schedule, Spain has not delayed the 13 August 2005 date of entry into force, despite industry’s fears that the register of producers will not be

ready by then.

Key provisions discussed:

Collection of WEEE from households: Producers will be responsible for collecting and recycling all products they place on the market after 13 August 2005. For products placed on the market before that date,producers will be responsible for products in proportion to their market share.

Register of producers provided for in Royal Decree 208/2005 – more details to follow. As requested by producers there will be one national register rather than each Autonomous Region having its own.

