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The WEEE and RoHS Directives will be transposed in several texts of
which the most import are:

The Amendment to the Waste Act of 2001 defining producerresponsibility for WEEE and implementing the RoHS directive,adopted on6 December 2004.

A new Governmental Order will set the WEEE recovery targets.

A new Ministerial Order will transpose provisions relating to marking,treatment and storage. Both orders are expected to be approved around April 2005.

Order on Contributions to the Recycling Fund, last amended by Ministerial Order No. 127/2004

Key provisions:

Collection of WEEE from households: The Waste Act makes producers responsible for setting up and financing separate collection. 1:1 take back is mandatory for retailers if they are the producers (otherwise

voluntary take back).

Central Register: Responsibility of the Ministry of Environment who will probably entrust the Environment Agency with creation of the register. Mandatory registration of producers;

Product fee: Since early 2003 there are fees on EEE that feed the semi private recycling fund. Exemption mechanisms will apply for producers that join a recovery organisation.

Industry activity:

CECED to set up a joint system for Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

