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A draft WEEE Regulation to transpose the WEEE and RoHS Directives was approved by the Council of Ministers at the end of April 2004. The Regulation was published on 31 January 2005. It leaves details to be regulated in a Covenant to be signed by the Chamber of Commerce,Ministries and representatives of the Municipalities.

Key provisions of draft:

Collection of WEEE from households: Municipalities to maintain collection. Details of financing, fractions collected, pick-up rules yet to be defined in new Covenant.

Central register: Producers to register with the Ministry of Environment

Industry activity:

ECOTREL, set up by industry in January 2004, has 100 members representing 80% of EEE sold in Luxembourg. ECOTREL aims to utilizethe existing collection and treatment infrastructure set up by the government organizations SuperFreonsKëscht and SuperDrecksKëscht, but requests that their operations are outsourced under competitive conditions.(Presently they are outsourced to one organisation only).
