• A new Electro Ordinance (EAG-Verordnung). A draft was published on 19 November 2004 for consultation. The consultation phase ended 11January 2005. The draft was rejected by industry (see FEEI below) and a new version released on 10 March. It was planned to enter into force on 1April . The Electro Ordinance will supersede the Lamp Ordinance and the Cooling Equipment Ordinance.
• The new Ordinance on Waste Treatment Obligation, published on 3 December 2004.
• An Amendment of the Waste Management Law (AWG). It was approved by the Bundesrat on 20 December 2004 and entered into force on 1January 2005.
Key provisions
• Deadlines for Manufacturers:
→ Registration at Umweltbundesamt website: Before 31May 2005;
→ Data reporting (units per type & collection category placed on market): Quarterly, from Q3-05 at the latest 31ocotber 2005
→ Collective systems: Proof before 31July 2005 share of min 5% in one collection category by mass, OR min 20% of several categories.
• Collection of WEEE from households: Collection through communal collection points. Producers to pay a flat rate to communes that includes financing for containers, building changes required by the treatment ordinance and information to consumers. Five collection categories (large appliances, cooling equipment, CRTs, small appliances, gas discharge lamps). 1:1 take back at retailers. Producers to set up at least one take back centre per district for free-of-charge take back from retailers only. Producers may ‘opt out’ of municipal collection by establishing separate collection systems.
• Clearing house: Environment Ministry responsible, but may transfer tasks to a qualified legal entity. Communes prefer the Environmental Agency as clearing house; industry prefers to set up an independent organisation. The manufacturers’ register is operated by the Umweltbundesamt.
• Historical Waste: Producer’s share determined by clearing house on weight basis. Producers must participate in system. Visible fee allowed.
• ‘New’ waste: Producer’s share determined by Clearing House, unless producer/system has contracts for separate collection with all municipal collection centres. Visible fee not allowed.
• Guarantee: Participation in system or blocked bank account.
• Non-household WEEE: Mandatory 1:1 take back of historic WEEE.
New’ WEEE: Individual agreements.
• Collection and treatment systems: A compliance system shall 1) take back all products of one or more of the 5 categories; 2) shall operate at least 1 take back centre per district and 3) shall represent at least 5%EEE by weight of the category covered.
• Marking: No producer identification for imported products using a collective system.
Industry response:
• FEEI: On 17 January 2005, FEEI said that the Draft of 19 November 2004 was entirely unacceptable to its members who would lose their Producer Responsibility for End-of-Life Products
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competitiveness since none of the following had been provided for the German ElektroG: Strict timetable during the transition phase, the responsibility to finance municipal collection costs, a double responsibility for collection (municipal plus industry’s own collection points) and 1:1 take back at retailers. FEEI further requested an industry run Clearing house and the implementation of an ‘Agentmodel’ which has one national agent of an imported EEE brand register, releasing the many importers of that obligation.
• UFH – Umwelt Forum Haushalt had announced plans to set up a holding company with 5 subsidiaries (one for each EEE collection category) to act as collective systems.