Czech Republic
The WEEE and RoHS Directives are transposed in the following texts:
• The Waste Act Amendment 7/2005 transposes the RoHS directive and stipulates the broad provision of the WEEE directive, leaving details - particularly about producer systems and the central register - to further regulation. The draft was approved by the Council of Ministers in June 2004, was ratified by the Senate and President on 16 December 2004 and was published on 6 January 2005.
• One or several Ministerial Decrees on WEEE will implement further detailed provisions of WEEE directive. A first draft was expected in January 2005 but discussions were still on-going at the end of March.
Key provisions:
• Deadlines: Registration of producers no later than 60 days after 15 August 2005.
• Collection of WEEE from households: Producers may use municipal collection points or set up own collection. Producers to provide containers for municipal collection. Currently 4 collection categories
planned (refrigerators, CRT, lighting, others). 1:1 take back at retailers mandatory, financing not defined.
• Central register: Obligation of Ministry of Environment, at least initially. Registration mandatory.
• System: Needs to collect all products of a least one of the four categories;
Industry activity:
At least 5 collective systems are in preparation:
• RETELA, is being planned by the Czech and Moravian Electrical And Electronic Association. It will take back ITC, consumer electronics, power tools, medical equipment, monitoring devices. It is expected to open for registration in early May 2005.
• CECED is preparing a compliance organisation for large and small appliances and dispensing machines.
• Ecolamp was started in mid 2004 but will only be finalised in Q2-05 by the European Lighting Company Federation (ELC). Cooperation with Ekovuk not clarified.
• Several IT equipment manufacturers are said to have started to prepare a system with a working title REMA in March 2005.
• ERP seems to be in waiting mode
• AREO, the Association of Recyclers of Electronic Waste is considering a separate system or cooperation with RETELA